Randy here... and back with more wishes!
I'm trying to be better this year, with "ONLY" a month between articles! In my defense, the early February deep freeze here in Massachusetts resulted in a water leak my bedroom, resulting in the immediate need to empty it and set up new digs for the time being. But I didn't let it stop me! Here's Part 1, in case you missed it!
Now I bring you, the thrilling conclusion...
Randy's List of "Toys That MUST Be Made" in 2023!
Wolverine 5th Edition *aka Spy Wolverine (Retro Line)
Calber 3rd Edition (Retro Line)
Hearts of Darknewss 3-Pack: Punisher, Wolverine and Ghost Rider (with alternate “civilian” heads)
MCU Yelena Belova (Winter Camo)
I don't know why, but there's just something about the old Toy Biz Spy Wolverine that makes me nostalgic... even though that figure got rereleased several times. And I realize it's also pretty silly that this a Wolverine who is covered in knives! Don't care. As a Cable fan, I want pretty much all of the versions I can get from the comics. But this particular design and weapon was a favorite of mine. The Hears of Darkness storyline is a favorite of mine, bringing together three great, dark and troubled characters. It's a fun read, which includes the weirdest dinner ever, with an in-disguise Frank Castle, Logan and Dan, sitting around a boarding room table for a meal! So I want not only the John Romita Jr. artwork version of the characters, but also the "disguised" heads! YES, we did get a MCU BLACK WIDOW Yelena Belova figure. But the outfit was obviously from an early design and the face sculpt looking NOTHING like Florence Pugh! As Yelena is about to become a bigger part of the MCU with Thunderbolts, let's get a proper version over her, please!
GI JOE Classified (Hasbro)
Dragonfly II (AH-1Z) with Wild Bill
Mutt & Junkyard
X-30 “Conquest” Jet
COBRA F.A.N.G. Helicopter
Dreadnocks with motorcycles
I know that there have been recent rumors of a HasLab Dragonfly being cancelled, but that means to me that it should be a standard release! Using the Bell AH-1Z Viper as the basis, The Dragonfly II would be approx. 4.8 ft long. But HALF of that length is the tail, which could be shortened, as well as the fact that the width of it would be MUCH smaller than most helicopters. It WOULD be do-able, not cheap, but possible. With a helicopter, you need the return of THE pilot of GI Joe- Wild Bill! With the recent Spirit Iron-Knife & Freedom, Croc-Master & Fiona and Snake-Eyes & Timber deluxe figures sets, Hasbro has NO qualms about action figures with animals! So means Mutt & Junkyard are a MUST! Last year saw many collectors questioning (and customizing) Mattel's Lightyear XL-15 to Hasbro, wondering why it is they haven't gotten an aircraft in the Classified line - and for a FAR reasonable price of $50! Nothing would quell such rightful questions than an X-30 "Conquest" plane in the Classified line - and LESS than $100! DO IT, Hasbro. With the COBRA "Trouble Bubble" Flight Pod due in 2023, then let's add another fine if deadly aircraft, in the form of the F.A.N.G. With no electronics or sounds effects necessary, this should be something in the same price range as the RAM Cycle. Now that we have Zartan and Zarana already out, and Ripper coming later this year, I'm rallying for not only more Dreadnocks, but motorcycles for them all! Go pillage into the Marvel Legends line (like I have) to get some good Harley-Davidson like big boy motorcycles!
PREY Naru with Sarii the Dog
PREY Feral Predator
PREY Two Pack: Naru & Taabe from the Lion Hunt
PREY Two Pack: Battle Damaged Naru & Feral Predator
One of the best movies that SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEAD IN THEATERS in 2022 was Prey, a new Predator film released on Hulu. Now NECA has already announced that they will be doing figures from the film... but nothing new since October 2022! So, I (along with some help by Bryan Fuller over on Twitter) have put together a few ideas of what we need, both in a standard line as well as some 2 packs. You're WELCOME, NECA! I continue to be in a fantasy figure mood, with previous choices of my Wish List (and more to come below). So, with last year being the 40th anniversary of its release and the recent death of the director Albery Pyun, I think I need a figure from The Sword and the Sorcerer! Namely, we NEED a Talon figure - and with him, the infamous Tri-Blade Sword! And if I'm really wishing... how about a standard sword AND a blade firing one? How about it NECA?
Excalibur (Four Horsemen)
Arthur (w/young and old head)
Morgana - Battle Armor
Ladies of EXCALIBUR 3 Pack (Guenevere, Morgana & Igrayne)
I love John Boorman's Excalibur. Truly, it is the movie I judge all other Arthurian movies - and not have matched or surpassed it. Perhaps it was just the right film for young me, in the early 80's, a time of great fantasy movies. Between the feel, the cast (Nicol Williamson! Young Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson! Helen Mirren...mrrrrrooowwwrrr!), the costumes -especially the AMAZING armor work by Terry English (who also did Aliens!), and the classic score that connected this film and Carl Orff's "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana.
But who could bring such armored action figures to life? The Four Horsemen! The Mythic Legions line is all about armored figures and accessories. So, what better company to pull off the like of the knights of the Round Table! Not only the kinghts, by the women of the film... really my excuse to reproduce this publicity photo in action figure form!
DAWN OF THE DEAD 45th Anniversary 8in Clothed Figures
YEAH, I have asked for these prior in 2020. But after getting to see 45th Anniversary screening of Dawn of the Dead in theaters in 3D back in October 2022, my need for them had grown stronger! What I said in 2020: "As I said earlier, the 8" Clothed figure line is not my thing. BUT I have a minor obsession with the idea that, in a dream I had, there was a line of MEGO figures from George Romero's classic zombie film! I have a VIVID image (in my mind) of a Mego 1979 Toy Fair catalog page with a kid playing with six or so figures, a WGON Helicopter vehicle, AND a Monroeville mall playset - with "working fountain". I know they wouldn't go THAT far, but how about the main four survivors, NECA?!"
That's a wrap on Randy's 2023 Wish List! As always, I keep thinking of more toys and hope the months to follow see mine and your Toy Wishes come true!
Until then,
Be seeing you.