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Randy looks at 2019's Star Wars Black Series Figures!

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Randy here! Been meaning to put this together for awhile now. But time gets away from all of us... especially with a new job, a new car, and searching for a new place to live. So a little late, but still with all the love! Hasbro had a fascinating plan this year. They spent the latter half of 2018, releasing information about their big toys lines, including Star Wars and Marvel Legends, across multiple conventions around the world. This started with Comic Con in San Diego in July and ended at New York Comic Con in November. Overall, I think was a smart way to keep interest for fans, who are always hungry for new info (myself included!), but not lose momentum between a summer announcement and not seeing them in stores til up to a year later. I think they'll likely continue it in 2019.

So lets get to it!

Star Wars Black Series-2019

  • Jedi Master Mace Windu (Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace)

  • Battle Droid ()Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace)

  • Padme Amidala (Star Wars: Episode 2-Attack of the Clones)

Amazing as it may seem, 2019 is the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace's release. (I'm sooo old...) We get one of the most famous Jedi Masters, Mace WIndu, with soft-goods robe and purple bladed lightsaber (the only one one that says "BMF" on it). And you can't do the Prequels without having an army of Battle Droids for Jedi & Clones to lay waste to by the division! And while happy to see the Padme Amidala, I'm hoping the headscupt/face printing is made to look a little closer to Natalie Portman. That one... just ain't right.

  • Mudtrooper Han Solo (Solo-A Star Wars Story)

  • Dryden Vos (Solo-A Star Wars Story)

Despite "lackluster" box-office, Solo-A Star Wars Story still gets some more figures. The Mudtrooper Han Solo is cool, not only as a great look to Han, but with the helmet and mask on, you get your own new Imperial "army builder". Smart move on Hasbro's part. Our movie's "big bad" also gets a figure, Dryden Vos. And Hasbro has added a color change feature to the facial scars, depending on the room temperature.

Also, you get a Paul Bettany likeness to add to your Marvel Legends Vision figure!

  • Ezra Bridger (Rebels animated tv show)

  • Chopper (Rebels animated tv show)

Even though Season 4 of Disney XD's "Rebels" has concluded the show, Hasbro is not letting fans down. Continuing after the release of Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, and Ahsoka Tano, we get two more of the crew of The Ghost. Ezra is based on his look from Season 1/2, to go along with the look of the prior figures. And Chopper remains... Chopper! He includes a base to show off his flight ability.

This leaves Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios as the last of the crew needing to be made in figure form. Here's hoping Hasbro completes it..and maybe a few variations of the crew, especially Sabine. Can't got wrong with more multi-colored Mandolorians!

  • Doctor Aphra (Doctor Aphra comic book series)

  • BT-1 (Doctor Aphra comic book series)

  • 0-0-0 (Doctor Aphra comic book series)

  • Vice Admiral Holdo (Star Wars: The Last Jedi) - NOT PICTURED

Introduced in the Star Wars comics from Marvel Comics, the character Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra has become a standout. Hasbro has already announced a 3 3/4 in figure in the Vintage line, but now her and her companions step into the 6 in. line. We also get Laura Dern's character from Star Wars: The Last Jedi in figure form. A divisive character to some, but definitely unforgettable.

Star Wars Black Series Archive

As you read t his, the first wave of the new Star Wars Black Archive figures have begun to hit in the US (Luke X-Wing Pilot, Boba Fett, IG-88, and Bossk). I think this a smashing idea on Hasbro's part, and by doing completely different packaging it make it unique for those who collected it originally. But also gives people the opportunity to get figures that they might have missed because they started collecting late (It's me!).

Series 2 will include Yoda with a new face print, which I'll be interested to see how different it will (or can) be. Anakin Skywalker will have a new face print, as well, on two different heads. This will enhance the yellow-eyed Sith-influenced Anakin. And for the first time single carded, the Imperial Scout Trooper. As the Biker Scout is by far, my all-time favorite trooper, I'm really happy to have more of him for my collection. Maybe even paint up in black or camo armor... All were originally released back in 2014.

Star Wars Black Deluxe General Grievous (Spring 2019)

Hasbro tested this out this year with the Target Exclusive Gammorean Guard and Moloch from Solo. They are larger, more detailed figure that would be too much for a standard figure release. Of course, this also adds to the cost as well (SRP expected to be $29.99). But it given the opportunity to one of the often requested figure by SW Black figure: General Grievous.

Hasbro is going all out with this figure. It includes a soft goods cape that includes pockets for his lightsaber collection, four lightsabers with removable hilts, as well as a blaster. Grievoius' arms can be snapped together to form two arms, or separated into four for combat.

As much as I'm not particularly interested in the character, I have to say that it looks impressive, Hasbro.

Star Wars Black Exclusive Figures

I'm sure this will only be the start of the store exclusives, though with the closing of Toys R Us we'll see where they all will show up at.

Imperial Rocket Trooper Commander-ThinkGeek/Gamestop Exclusive (Spring 2019)

As seen on Star Wars: Rebels and in the Star Wars: Battlefront II video game, we get to add to the Imperial forces. Figure will be an updated Stormtrooper buck, along with rocket pack and an Imperial E-11 blaster rifle, And now that we can get flying Stormtroopers, I have to wonder when they will show up in the live-action movies! I mean-C'MON!!

-sigh- I might have to get a couple of them.

Luke in Stormtroooper Diguise (Wet Hair)-Target Exclusive (Spring 2019)

While we got the Luke (and Han) in Stormtrooper disguise earlier, this is based on Trash Compactor Scene from the original Star Wars. Obviously, it has a brand new new face-printed Luke head, dirtied up armor, and will include an Imperial E-11 blaster rifle, a communicator, and removable Stormtrooper helmet.

Is a "wet" Han in Stormtrooper disguise in the new future? "Wet" Princess Leia? A Trash Compactor playset? Who knows...

General Obi Wan Kenobi-Walgreens Exclusive (Fall 2019)

This is pretty my MUST HAVE for 2019 Star Wars Black figure! I've loved this version of Obi-Wan every since I first saw him in the Genndy Tartakovsky’s "Clone Wars" animated micro-series. I picked up a couple of the 3 3/4 in versions that came out, that disappeared during my 2015 move. But now to have him show up in the Star Wars Black series just warms my heart. General Kenobi will come with a soft-goods robe and lightsaber. I'll be checking out Walgreens come Labor Day!

There you go!

There is a LOT going on on the the Star Wars Black front... and this is likely only the first half of the year!

I continue to look forward to Hasbro's reveals in 2019... and hope you be there with me!

2018 - O U T ! ! !

Be seeing you in 2019!


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