Some nice looking figures here.
From Hasbro Pulse:
"Revealed at #SDCC, the next wave in the Marvel Legends Series has arrived with new Marvel Knights figures featuring Daredevil, Marvel's Lady Bullseye, Luke Cage Power Man, Gamerverse Iron Man, The Fist Ninja, Clea, and Marvel's Blade! Collect them all to assemble the Mindless One #BuildAFigure! Available for pre-order tomorrow, July 22nd, beginning at 5pm ET on #HasbroPulse!
#Hasbro #Pulse #Marvel #MarvelLegendsSeries #MarvelLegends #MarvelLegendsCollection #Daredevil #LadyBullseye #LukeCage #IronMan #FistNinja #Clea #Blade #ComicCon #SDCC23 #SDCC2023 '