Desert Commando Snake Eyes? REALLY? Well, it HAS been awhile since he was available as a single figure and not a deluxe.
From Habro Pulse:
"Whether the sandy dunes of the desert or cavernous tunnels underground, #GIJoeClassifiedSeries is there! Revealed earlier today, check out the G.I. Joe Classified Series Desert Commando Snake Eyes (92) and Tunnel Rat (83)! Each figure features a classic design updated to bring the iconic Joes into the modern era, with 9 character-inspired accessories each! Available now for pre-order on #HasbroPulse! Each sold separately.
#Hasbro #Pulse #GIJoe #ClassifiedSeries #GIJoeToys #GIJoeCollector #ActionFigures #YoJoe #YoJoeJune #JoeJune #ClassifiedSeriesCollection #SnakeEyes #TunnelRat "
