Just over a day to get 3K more backers for the 3rd crew member? Do-able! From Hasbro: "CREW ASSIGNMENT 2: UNLOCKED
The dedication of the Star Wars fanbase strikes again! We reached 14,000 backers to unlock a fan-favorite member of the crew to join the Ghost team.
The KANAN JARRUS Exclusive Star Wars Rebels VC Carded Figure includes a Lightsaber, unlit lightsaber hilt, blaster, face mask, and interchangeable portrait head accessories.
Time is running out! Can we reach 17,000 backers to unlock another crew member by September 6th? See HasbroPulse.com for more details.
Hasbro Pulse is offering you the opportunity to back the Star Wars The Vintage Collection The Ghost HasLab for US $499.99 / UK £499.99 / EU €579.99 / HK $4,299 / RM 2,999 / S $849 / NT $17,999, plus applicable taxes. Standard shipping and handling may apply based upon regional location and will be calculated at the time of checkout for non-Hasbro Pulse Premium members. No P.O. Boxes. Order until 11:59pm on September 6th, 2023. If this campaign reaches its minimum goal of 8,000 backers by that date, your payment method will be charged. Subject to Terms and Conditions of Use and Hasbro Pulse policies. See HasbroPulse.com for full details.
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