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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Gaughen

Hasbro: Now HasLab is resurrecting the head of Robbie Reyes!

I thought this might happen. Just announced by Hasbro Pulse, the Robbie Reyes human head and hood accessory, originally part of the Early Bird special, will come along with the regular Ghost Rider figure should the HasLab fund by Oct. 31st. A brief check shows that the backer numbers, which had been consistently dropping since the deadline passed last Friday, shows that the numbers have already reversed and are slowly climbing again. From Hasbro Pulse: "Although the Marvel Legends Engine of Vengeance Early Bird figure was not unlocked, you can’t keep a fighting spirit down. Robbie is back with a vengeance! The Ghost Rider 6-Inch figure will now come with a human-form alternate head & sweatshirt hood accessory to covert into Robbie Reyes. This HasLab campaign needs 9,000 backers and will run until October 31, 2022. See for more details! #HasbroPulse #Hasbro #Pulse #Marvel #MarvelLegends #MarvelLegendsSeries #HasLab #GhostRider "

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