It's the 20th of the Month and a new Marvel Legend reveal - one that fans of the HasLab "Engine of Vengeance" are happy to not only get confirmed but check out for the first time. From Hasbro Pulse: "The Marvel Legends HasLab Engine of Vengeance is heating up for this September 20th reveal! The first unlockable tier is Marvel's Mephisto, one of the most evil and untrustworthy beings in the Marvel Universe. Many of Earth's heroes have battled Marvel's Mephisto and barely prevailed, as this demon has access to vast resources in his netherworld, as well as on Earth!
If the campaign reaches 12,000 total backers before the campaign ends on October 31, 2022, this Marvel Legends 6-inch scale figure will be added for all backers. See for more details!
#HasbroPulse #Hasbro #Pulse #Marvel #MarvelLegends #MarvelLegendsSeries #HasLab #GhostRider #Mephisto "
