This is very cool looking. But the price is a little spicy, especially without a figure included... From Gridiron Studios: "We are very excited after nearly 2 years to bring this fast attack battlefield beast to your 1/12 scale collection!!! We have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at this ravenous 4 x 4 and still we are keeping this American made product under $200!!!
We are including the following… front passenger MK 19 with grenade belt, fully modular rotating upper system (drone equalizer upper included) Rear gunner platform with articulated, swing arm and machine gun, removable tow hitch, diamond plate floorboards throughout, side stowage baskets, removable light bar and headlights with removable cage covers… custom wheels only available on this vehicle. More details coming soon.
We will be adding pictures more all weekend! We are asking that you please allow for 30 to 45 days processing for this vehicle is not a pre-order that you are having you wait for years to put your hands on it… We are scaling up production in a huge way to alot for this new mechanized division of Gridiron!
Hold tight it’s about to get serious! #Gridironmechanized #gijoeclassified #gijoe6inch #112 #6inch #toyphotography #gijoecommunity #actionfigures #gridironprops #gijoenation #actionfigurephotography #vehicles #sandrail #4x4 "