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Hasbro's new Exclusive STAR WARS Black figure details!

Randy of AFTimes

Randy here, and have you been watching "The Mandalorian" on Disney +? Three episodes in and it is REALLY good!

It's very much a mix between American Western and Japanese samurai films, with a distinctive and familiar Star Wars flair. So far, it might as well be called "Lone Mandalorian and Youngling". (apologies to the classic manga and movies) Taking place 5 years or so after Return of the Jedi, this is a messy, grungy world - with the Empire having fallen and nary a Jedi in sight! And while bigger story elements are down the road (8 total this season), I'm digging the low-key, bounty hunter just trying to earn a living vibe of these early episodes.

And Hasbro hasn't waited on the release of the show, having already released Star Wars Black figures of the The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and Offworld Jawa on Triple Force Friday, with Cara Dune (Gina Carano) hitting now, and Best Buy having an exclusive figure of IG-11 (SO good in the show!) With the release of Chapter 3-"The Sun" this past Friday, Hasbro has revealed another Best Buy Exclusive figure: Heavy Infantry Mandalorian

Jet pack AND a heavy blaster cannon? Now THAT is one heavily armed Mandalorian! And I LIKE IT!

You can purchase the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian at Best Buy right now, though likely will take a week or two to ship to you. Based even just on these first 3 episodes, I'm sure there will be at least 4-5 more figures from "The Mandalorian" to hit store shelves in the next few months. I'm thinking:

  • "The Client" (Werner Herzog!!!)

  • Weathered Stormtrooper

  • Greef Carga (Carl Weathers)

  • Kuiil (Nick Nolte!!)

  • Mandalorian Armorer (She's SO cool!)

Oh, in case you were worried, "The Mandalorian" has already been renewed for a 2nd season! With the American International Toy Fair in less than 3 months, I'm sure we'll see even more figures from the show... including a "youngling" that has caught EVERYONE'S attention! Enjoy the (hopefully) short holiday week in the US, and as always...

Be Seeing You, RANDY

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