Randy here!
With the recent release of Blade Runner 2049 in theaters, NECA's first series of action figures of K and Rick Deckard have been hitting stores. The back of the package revealed that there is a second series coming as well!
Last week, NECA began to tweet a few hints of what we would be seeing. First up, was a change in the avatar for NECA...

... showing a close up of Wallace (Jared Leto) and then...
This is the sidearm used by Luv (Sylvia Hoeks).
Along with the images, NECA's Randy Falk revealed that the 2nd series is due fairly soon:
Today saw the release of the full images of Wallace and Luv from NECA:

Excellent work by NECA, especially on Sylvia Hoeks.
As for a third series of figures from Blade Runner 2049?
I'm hoping it makes it to a 3rd series, if only because there's at least a couple "classic" characters (No spoilers from me!) that would make a nice figure or two, as well as Joi (Ana de Armas), K's companion.
And if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend seeing Blade Runner 2049 in theaters. It's worth the trip!
Be seeing you! RANDY